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Digital Marketing

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Web Development

  1. New Semantic Elements
  2. New Form Controls
  3. Multimedia Support
  4. Canvas and SVG
  5. Local Storage and Web Storage
  6. Geolocation
  7. WebSockets
  8. Offline Support
  9. APIs and New Features
  10. Improved JavaScript APIs
  1. Responsive navbars
  2. Margins
  3. Modals
  4. Dialogs
  5. Buttons
  6. Forms
  7. Badges, Pills
  8. Cards
  9. Tables
  10. Alerts
  11. Navigation Options
  12. Links
  13. Media objects
  14. Dropdown
  15. Pagination
  16. Process bar & Collapse
  17. Bootstrap Scaffolding
  18. Page Components
  19. Page Components Forms
  21. Extending Bootstrap with Custom plugins
  1. Introduction to CSS
  2. Syntax
  3. Selectors, Colors and Backgrounds
  4. Height/Width& Outline
  5. Text, Fonts & Tables
  6. Links, Lists & Display
  7. Max-width
  8. Position & Overflow
  9. Float, Align & Opacity
  10. Navigation Bar & Dropdowns
  11. Images Gallery
  12. Image Sprites
  13. Attribute Selectors
  14. Website Layout
  1. Introduction to JavaScript.
  2. Syntax & Comments.
  3. Variables & Bitwise Operators.
  4. Arithmetic, Data Types &Functions.
  5. Objects & Events.
  6. Arrays Methods, Sort& Iteration &Strings.
  7. Dates & Math.
  8. Random, Booleans & Comparisons.
  9. Conditions & Switch.
  10. For & While Loop.
  11. Break & type conversion.
  12. DOM & BOM
  1. JavaScript & ES6 Essentials
  2. Introduction to ES6 features like let,const
  3. Arrow functions
  4. Working with functions,
  5. Objects
  6. Arrays
  7. Variable types
  8. Scoping
  9. Error handling
  10. JavaScript Dom Manipulation
  11. Manipulating the DOM
  12. Handling events
  13. User interactions with JavaScript
  14. Debugging and troubleshooting
  1. React Setup and Intro
  2. React Basics
  3. React State
  4. React Events & Form
  5. More Forms
  6. Lists and Conditional Rendering
  7. More Conditional Rendering & Styles
  8. React Handling Side Effects
  9. Working with APL (Functional Only)
  10. Use Reducer Hook
  11. Context APL
  12. Context APL Advance topics
  13. Advanced React
  14. React Optimization
  15. Class- Based Components
  16. React Router
  1. Introduction to NodeJS
  2. Installation and Environment Setup
  3. REPL Terminal
  4. Digging into Node
  5. Event Loop
  6. Web Module
  1. Exploring the Express module
  2. Setting up the express environment
  3. Creating an HTTP server using express
  4. Reading data from GET/POST requests
  5. File system
  6. Rest APL
  7. Clustering
  8. Webservice with DB interactions
  1. Introduction to SQL
  2. Database Normalization and Entity Relationship Model
  3. SQL Operators
  4. Working with SQL: Join, Tables and Variables
  5. Deep Dive into SQL Functions
  6. Working with Subqueries
  7. SQL Views, Functions, and Stored Procedures
  8. Deep Dive into User-defined Functions
  9. SQL Optimization and performance
  10. Advanced Topics
  11. Managing Database Concurrency
  12. Practice Session